
Gladstone was our first purchase, and it has grown into something far more meaningful than a mere investment; it has become a labor of love. The journey with this property has been rich in learning opportunities and personal growth. Initially, we faced challenges that forced us to reassess our understanding of the property and, in turn, significantly expanded our maintenance budget.

While the first year brought its fair share of stress and unexpected surprises, we were fortunate to have a supportive peer who uplifted our spirits. They reassured us, saying,

“Now that you have completed all the big projects, this will be the easiest property you will manage in five years.”

Those words have proven prophetic. As the dust settled and our hard work began to bear fruit, we found ourselves grateful for the journey. We are deeply committed to the long game, focusing on fostering a positive and welcoming environment for our tenants. Gladstone has not just been a stepping stone in our business; it is a cornerstone of our experience in this industry, shaping our values and aspirations. We look forward to nurturing this property and all the lives it touches in the years to come.